Zertico starts its work; a company entirely focused on Solutions in Cloud Computing
Zertico Cloud Solutions
Offering Cloud Computing Solutions since 2010
Zertico Cloud Solutions
Offering Cloud Computing Solutions since 2010
Zertico Foundation
Zertico starts partnership with SoftLayer
After testing many providers, Zertico finds in SoftLayer the best Cloud Infrastructure.
Web event organized by Zertico, the WeWebConf
Zertico organizes the first event totally focused in Web Development in the South of Minas Gerais.
SoftLayer Acquisition by IBM.
IBM acquires SoftLayer and announces its expansion in the Cloud market.
Second edition of WeWebConf
Due to the great success of WeWeb Conf first edition, Zertico makes the second edition, bringing several professionals from the web area to share their knowledge.
Zertico wins MPE prize in Minas Gerais on the category services and technology.
Zertico takes part for the first time of the MPE prize promoted by SEBRAE, and reaches the first place in the technology category in the state of Minas Gerais.
Zertico became an official IBM partner.
Zertico establishes the partnership with IBM officially, being today the Brasilian company with the largest knowledge in SoftLayer, the IBM's Cloud, in BraZil.
Celso (Zertico's CEO) gives workshop at tropical RUBY
Participation in Computing Events, giving a workshop with other renowned professionals of the area.
Participation at IBM's Forum of Solutions in Technology
Through IBM's invitation, Celso (Zertico's CEO), participates in a panel to discuss technologies developed by Zertico using IBM Cloud.
Celso (Zertico's CEO) gives lecture at RubyConf
Zertico shares its knowledge at the largest event of Ruby in Brazil.